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Together we are reimagining and rebuilding the industry.

Heating & Cooling Reimagined

Year Invested
Mount Kisco, NY

Dandelion is on a mission to enable the widespread adoption of geothermal by creating a smarter, more affordable and more innovative approach than any other heating/cooling system on the market. The Dandelion team began working on creating more cost-effective geothermal solutions while working at the leading search engine's lab, and has since spun out as an independent company helping hundreds of homeowners make the switch to geothermal heating & cooling. 

Together with Dandelion, we are lowering the cost of geothermal home energy and providing homebuyers with options to create a more energy-efficient home.

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Lennar does not guarantee any equipment or services provided by any third parties. Select features may require additional fees and is provided by a third party. The description of products is limited by the terms and conditions, limited warranty, and additional product information, available on website http://dandelionenergy.com.

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